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5 Golden Rules [To stay sane this holiday season]

Writer's picture: blonde2brunetteblonde2brunette

Ok… ok… Here’s the deal. Halloween is over. The fun light hearted holiday where you can decorate as much or as little and dress up as much or as little as you want…

Now Halloween is long gone, and Thanksgiving is just 24 days away, followed by Hanukkah (44 Days), Christmas (52 Days), and New Years (58 Days). Did anyone just throw up in their mouth a bit? I don’t mean that in disgust I mean that in total nauseous way, where HOLY F*@# more decorating, family/friend gatherings, dinners, visiting friends &family in or out of town and above all gift buying in a very little amount of time.

In all these chaotic moments, there is something we all fail to do sometimes during these crazy months… WHEN TO SAY NO TO CERTAIN FESTIVE EVENTS and HOLIDAY TRENDS!

I don’t mean fashion trends, I mean the trend of buying every gift you can for every single person you know, going to every holiday party you get invited to. Over spending because the idea of giving a cheap gift is an insult- and forgetting the golden rule ” It’s the thought that counts”.

We are forgetting the purpose of the holidays. For every religion and family tradition, all it requires is your company, the company of others, and above all LOVE!


…to stay sane this holiday season!

1) BUDGET YOUR GIFT SPENDING (family & friends):

Family– I’m fortunate to have a giant cuban family, and thanks to my sister Sylvia, she always plans out and points out the best sales for the months of November & December. You don’t have to visit the malls completely, research online stores for “early spending and saving”. Give your self a budget for each item, and be realistic. If you want to go all out for your family, by all means- do it, but if you are on a budget, and still want to buy everyone a gift- don’t stress- start early and find that special something, that’s unique and your own.

Friends– I’m a lucky girl with the coolest biffles, I’ve already been in talks with them and deciding either a laid back potluck or festive cocktail party (but small, sweet, and headache free). Either thats the gift entirely, or we choose to do a ‘Secret Santa’. One gift, choose a budget everyone is capable of, and no one feels guilty. The best part, when it’s time to exchange gifts, it’s a double whammy, because not only do you get a fun and special gift from the group, but you get to be together, eat, drink, be merry. It’s so hard these days to work with everyone’s schedule that on night out of the month planned is just the ticket. If your besties live a abroad, treat your gift like Santa and ship it to their humble abode.


I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH! You don’t have to go to every party! Pick and choose your battles. These months are strenuous enough with work and family, not to mention gas money (or train/cab fair). Unless your the energizer bunny, you need to find rest when you can. There is nothing worse than attending a party and feeling exhausted throughout the evening. Not only will you not have a good time forcing yourself to make endless conversation, but you may have just wasted a perfectly good outfit with a half fast make-up/hair job. LET’S NOT DO THAT TO OURSELVES. You want to feel vibrant and refreshed at these events, and show off that killer smile with red lips! ;)


We all know exercising is healthy, gives you energy, sends the blood and oxygen running throughout the body. Gives that beautiful flushed color on your face that you’ll need when you have to show face at your festive parties. The most important thing this season is to take away that guilt when you want to indulge on a homemade dessert your relative is known for, or maybe it’s mom’s stuffing? So many dishes and desserts are running through my mind , that the last thing I ever want to experience is “I should have eaten that”. The more you resist the goods, the more likely to binge one night while the reruns of Hallmark’s sappy, cheese movies play and you’ve now taken emotional eating to a whole new level!


Not only are you saving money, but energy. Energy is the key factor to be successful with your sanity this season. So many reasons to staying in…

-You can do absolutely nothing and still do so much by spending quality time with your loved ones. Crack open bottle of wine, play some oldies, and get nostalgic together!

– Bake/ decorate goodies for each other, or for others. It’s an evening of creativity for yourself or shared with others, plus these make great gifts for families.

– Make and check of your to do’s. Still have some gift shopping left over? See what can be ordered and shipped in the nick of time!

– Decorate in peace. Get in the spirit at your own pace with DIY decor, or from recent buys!


Be it your significant other, your family members or your best of friends, do take the time to share it with them. The holidays– all though stressful due to everyday work, budget cuts, and crowded malls—- ‘TIS the season to share it with the ones you LOVE. Don’t stress over any acquaintance’s, it’s not worth it- if you want to get closer to them, make it a “New Year Resolution”, until then just find the right event or events to par take and make more memories with the ones that matter, and be thankful for the time shared.



P.S.* Necklace: Nordstrom, Dress: Aidan Mattox, Lips: Mac in Ruby Woo, Crown: Caro’s Confections

Photography By: Liz Dikinson Photography


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